
Fernandes Silviniya Anitharaj,Mogasale Prasanna N,Kumar M Arun,S Nagaraj


Asrigdara is a disease produced by Dosha Prakopa (vitiation of Dosha) along with Rakta Dushti (vitiation of blood components) primarily in Artavaha Srotas characterised by excessive excretion of menstrual blood where the increased Rakta mix with Raja (menstrual blood) thus, the quantity of Raja increases. It refers to all types of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB), in which Asrigdara is traditionally expressed as menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, polymenorrhea etc. Up to 1/3rd of women is experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding most commonly in menarche and menopause. Still, the cure of Asrigdara is facing difficulty, which shows that the understanding of Asrigdara is still incomplete, and this motivates to determine further, the other risk factors or other pathology involved in asrigdara. Objective: This calls for an evaluation of the possible Shonitha Dushti Nidana in Asrigdara to identify more risk factors. Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, 36 subjects diagnosed with Asrigdara were selected. The probable incidence of Nidana (causes), in patients, were assessed through a questionnaire de- veloped for the study. The recorded data were analysed with descriptive statistics. Results: Aharaja Nidanas of Asrigdara acts as Viprakrushta Hetu (remote cause) causes Dhatu Pradooshana (vitiation of tissues) in the body. The Nidana Viruddha Ahara causes Rakta Dushti directly. The Manasika Nidanas such as Krodha (anger) is found to act as Vyanjaka Hetu (weak cause) in the manifestation of Asrigdara. Conclusion: Bahya Hetu (externalfactors) triggers Dosha Kopa or causes Dhatu Pradooshana. In Asrigdara patients, Pitta Pradhana Tridosha and Rakta were vitiated to initiate the disease manifestation. Keywords: Asrigdara, Rakta, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Raja.


International Ayurvedic Medical Journal


General Medicine

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