Infertility can negate the realisation of these essential human rights. Addressing infertility is, therefore, an im-portant part of realising the right of individuals and couples to find a family (1).Lifestyle factors such as smok-ing, excessive alcohol intake and obesity can affect fertility. In addition, exposure to environmental pollutants and toxins can be directly toxic to gametes (eggs and sperm), resulting in decreased numbers and poor quality (2, 3). This health problem has existed since ancient times, and cases have increased with the changing lifestyle.Stress and working patterns, along with many other factors, affect the health of normal Doshas in the body and produce diseases. (4) A single case study of a 30-year-old female patient having primary infertility came to the hospital. Due to prominent Vata Dosha vitiations, with the help of a Shaman and Shodhan Chikitsa, conception happens. (5)
In Ayurveda, this condition is managed by correcting Dhatu and Doshas with Balya, Vrishya, Bruhmana, Ra-sayana and Vajikara Dravyas.
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
Reference5 articles.
1. 1. Zegers‐Hochschild F, Dickens BM, Dughman‐Manzur S. Human rights to in vitro fertilisation. In-ternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2013;123(1):86-89.
2. 2. Gore AC, Chappell VA, Fenton SE, et al. EDC-2: The Endocrine Society's Second Scientific Statement on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals. Endocrine Reviews 2015;36(6): E1-E150. Doi: 10.1210/er.2015-1010
3. 3. Segal TR, Giudice LC. Before the beginning: envi-ronmental exposures and reproductive and obstetrical outcomes. Fertility and Sterility 2019;112(4):613-21.
4. 4. Charka and Dridhbala revised Charaka Sam-hita with Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Pt Kashinathshastri. Edited by Rajeshwar data Shastichikitsast- Dr Suresh Kumar Solanki & Dr Sushila Sharma: Management Of Fe-male Infertility by Ayurveda 2955 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 09; September- 2016 Hanadhyaya 30 shloka number 115, page 858, published by Chaukhambha Bharati publication,
5. 5. Charaka Samhita revised by Charaka and Dridhbala with Vidyotini Hin-di commentary by Pt Krishna Shastri edited by Rajeshwar Data Shastisharirasthanadh-yaya 2 shloka number 7, page 838, published by Chaukhambha Bharati publication,