1. 1. Acharya Caraka, Charaka Samhita, Sutra Sthana, ed-ited by Shree Pandit Kashinathshashtri, Chau-khambha Publication Varanasi, Edition 2013, 20th Chapter, Sloka number 11, Page number 269.
2. 2. Acharya Madhavakara, Madhava Nidanam, Edited by Prof Shrikanta Murthy, Chaukambha Orientalia - Va-ranasi, Edition 2016, Chapter 22, sloka number 61, page number 87.
3. 3. A Concise Textbook of Surgery, Edited by Dr S Das, Published by Dr S. Das - Kolkata, 2 edition 1999, Chapter 21 The Foot, page 290.
4. 4. A Concise Textbook of Surgery, Edited by Dr S Das, Published by Dr S. Das - Kolkata, 2nd Edition 1999, Chapter 21 The Foot, page 290.
5. 5. Textbook Of Orthopaedics, Edited by John Ebnezar, 2nd Edition, Jaypee Brothers Publication, 2nd Sec-tion, Regional Orthopaedics, Page number 225.