1. Archival Sources
2. Butts (1943). Memo to Mr. Frederikson concerning the Serb National Federation Convention, 22. 9. 1943. National Archives Microfiche Collection, OSS Foreign Nationalities Branch Files, INT-30-YU, Slide 1089. NARA, Washington.
3. Cerrezin, Michael (1937). Letter to Konstantin Fotić, 20. 5. 1937. Legation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Washington (fond 371, folder 53, unit 69). Archive of Yugoslavia, Belgrade.
4. Cerrezin, Michael (1939a). Letter to Konstantin Fotić, 8. 11. 1939. Legation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Washington (fond 371, folder 54, unit 70). Archive of Yugoslavia, Belgrade.
5. Cerrezin, Michael (1939b). Letter to Konstantin Fotić, 14. 11. 1939. Legation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Washington (fond 371, folder 54, unit 70). Archive of Yugoslavia, Belgrade.