Pomen varovanja vročih točk geodiverzitete za ohranitev biotske pestrosti na območju Nature 2000 v dolini reke Dragonje


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Namen prispevka je na varovanem območju Natura 2000 ovrednotiti geodiverziteto in podati smernice za vključitev v obstoječi sistem naravovarstva. Kot območje preučevanja je bilo izbrano porečje Dragonje. Na podlagi kartografskega gradiva in terenskega dela smo izdelali morfografski zemljevid območja, s pomočjo literature pa prilagodili metodo izračuna indeksa geodiverzitete v geografskih informacijskih sistemih. Končni rezultat je zemljevid indeksa geodiverzitete, na podlagi katerega smo določili vroče točke geodiverzitete. //   The importance of protection of geodiversity hotspots for the conservation of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 area in the Dragonja river valleyThe purpose of the article is to evaluate geodiversity in Natura 2000 protected area and to provide guidelines for inclusion in the existing nature protection system. The Dragonja River basin (SW Slovenia) was selected as a study area. Based on cartographic material and field work we made a morphographic map of the area, and based on the literature we adjusted the method of calculating the geodiversity index in geographic information systems. The final result is a map of the geodiversity index, on the basis of which geodiversity hotspots were determined.


The Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts / Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU)


Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development








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