1. Bowman, Marion. 2022a. In Memoriam Leonard Norman Primiano (1957– 2021). Folklore 13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0015587X.2021.2008143. (in print)
2. Bowman, Marion. 2022b. Afterword: 25 Years of Vernacular Religion Scholarship. In Vernacular Knowledge: Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs, eds. Ülo Valk and Marion Bowman. Sheffield: Equinox. https://api.equinoxpub.com/books/2174.
3. Bowman, Marion. 2000. More of the Same? Christianity, Vernacular Religion and Alternative Spirituality in Glastonbury. In Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, eds. Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman, 83–104. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
4. Bowman, Marion. 2009. From Glastonbury to Hungary: Contemporary Integrative Spirituality and Vernacular Religion in Context. In Passageways. From Hungarian Ethnography to European Ethnology and Sociocultural Anthropology, ed. Gábor Vargyas, 195–221. Budapest: Department of European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, The University of Pécs - L’Harmattan Publishing House.
5. Bowman, Marion, and Ülo Valk, eds. 2012. Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. Sheffield, Bristol: Equinox Publishing.