A 17-year-old male was taken to the emergency department for decreased left visual acuity and floaters beginning that same day. There was a history of exposure to pulmonary tuberculosis five years before (mother as index case) followed by a four-month period of isoniazid prophylaxis. The ophthalmic examination showed posterior and intermediate uveitis in the left eye. Laboratory tests were normal; IgG for herpes simplex 1 was positive and both the varicella-zoster virus and remaining serologic tests were negative. Chest radiography was normal. Two weeks later, an epiretinal membrane with risk of tractional retinal detachment was observed. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test showed an induration of 15 mm and the IGRA test was positive. Sputum and vitreous humor samples were collected. Quadruple therapy and prednisolone were started. Ten days later, a posterior vitreous detachment with underlying vitreous hematoma was observed. Posterior vitrectomy and peripheral endolaser were performed without complications. One month later, the microbiological results became available, with the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Corticosteroids were weaned progressively. Antituberculous drugs were maintained for six months. The patient made a full recovery.