Measurement Invariance Across Sex and Time of the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale


Burduli Ekaterina,Barbosa-Leiker Celestina,Sattler Victoria,Vossen Jordan


Background and Purpose:The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) is widely used to compare depressive symptoms across sex, and change in depression over time, yet measurement invariance has not been demonstrated.Methods:Multiple-groups and longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis assessed measurement invariance of the CES-D in a sample of 697 Spokane Heart Study participants.Results:Findings demonstrated partial measurement invariance across sex of the CES-D across both time points with men having significantly lower depression levels than women at time one (z= −3.62,p< .01) and time two (z= −4.06,p< .01), and full temporal measurement invariance with stable levels of depression over time (z= 0.85,p= .39).Conclusions:Validity of the CES-D to compare depression across sex and time is supported.


Springer Publishing Company


General Medicine,General Nursing

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