Praborini Asti,Purnamasari Hani,Munandar Agusnawati,Wulandari Ratih Ayu
Although there is evidence to suggest that frenotomy improves breastfeeding outcomes for tongue-tied (ankyloglossic) infants, less is known about the optimal timing of treatment. In this retrospective cohort study, the timing of frenotomy and its impact on infant and maternal factors
were examined in 31 tongue-tied babies with breastfeeding difficulties in a hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. After frenotomy, all infants improved latching and mothers experienced a subjective improvement in nipple pain and breast engorgement. Frenotomy improved weight gain in infants regardless
of type of tongue-tie (p = .001), but greater mean weight gains were achieved in tongue-tied babies who underwent early frenotomy (prior to Day 8) compared to babies who underwent late frenotomy (after Day 8; p = 0.002). Tongue-tie and frenotomy issues need to be addressed during
the very first few days of an infant’s life to ensure optimal breastfeeding outcomes.
Springer Publishing Company
Obstetrics and Gynecology,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
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8 articles.