Does Self-Efficacy for Affect Regulation Predict Lower Neuroticism?


Lightsey Owen Richard


In social cognitive theory, belief in the ability to manage emotions renders these emotions less aversive. Reduced emotional reactions to stress and greater self-regulation have been linked to lower neuroticism. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether self-efficacy for regulation of distress/despondency (SEDes) and anger (SEAng) and self-efficacy for experiencing and expressing positive emotions (SEPos) predicted lower subsequent neuroticism. A second purpose was to determine whether these forms of self-efficacy buffered the relationship between perceived stress and subsequent neuroticism. Among 251 university students in the United States, perceived stress predicted 8% of the variance, and SEAng negatively predicted 2% of the variance, in time 2 neuroticism over 3–4 weeks. Contrary to hypotheses, high SEDes and SEPos did not protect against higher time 2 neuroticism when stress was high, but low levels of these forms of self-efficacy were risk factors for modestly higher time 2 neuroticism when stress was low.


Springer Publishing Company

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