
Moiseyev Vyacheslav1


1. Russian University of Medicine


The article gives a new formulation of criterion of scientific demarcation, based on the definition of science as a structural methodology, which uses the system of knowledge, in the center of which there are pure structures described by logical theories and possessing their empirical realizations. The notion of subject and object structures is introduced. It is argued that the dichotomy of neopositivism and postpositivism in the history of the philosophy of science was connected with the identification by both of them of structurality only with its object type. It is noted that modern mathematics is almost entirely built on object structures, which are based on the concept of the Faustian number — an infinite type of number, displacing the quantities of other qualities to infinity. The classic example of such a number is the the natural series of numbers that underlies all other number systems. The task is to develop a new type of subject structures, which should be based on the concept of a new, “Pythagorean” number, which can reach infinity at a finite step, and mathematics should fully introduce into its definitions the concept of quantity of a certain quality. From this perspective, the constructs of mathematical analysis as the most developed theory of quantity in modern mathematics are briefly analyzed. It is noted their insufficiency and the need to develop a new concept of qualitative quantity, developed by the author in the theory of the so-called “R-analysis”. Further, the contours of future science are sketched as a science of integral type, based on a new type of ontologies (Windows-ontologies), in which the primary entity is not a thing or a process, but ontological screens and systems of “images” on them. Within the framework of such ontologies there appear their invariants, globolocs, which in some screens can give global, in others — their local representations. On this basis, the concepts of external and internal world are defined, a solution to the difficult problem of consciousness and psychophysical problem is proposed, and the quality of experience/feeling as a fundamental quality of the internal world is derived.


Institute of Philosophy Russian Academy of Sciences

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