
Sinchihin Sergey1,Pavlov Roman2,Telegina Irina1,Pavlov Vladislav3


1. Astrakhan State Medical University

2. Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 3 named after S.M. Kirov

3. Stavropol State Medical University


The localization of the ovum in the postoperative scar on the uterus is considered as a variant of ec-topic pregnancy with a high risk of maternal morbidity and mortality. A clinical case of diagnosis and treatment of a patient with ectopic pregnancy in the uterine scar after caesarean section, complicated by uterine bleeding, is described in the article. The clinical features and ultrasound diagnostic criteria are provided. Justification of the treatment tactics with hysterectomy is provided, taking into account the status of the patient, changes in the postoperative uterine scar, concomitant gynecological patholo-gy and willingness of the patient to accomplish the childbearing function.


Astrakhan State Medical University

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