
Antonyan Samvel V1,Kuchin Yuri1,Kudba Temuri1,Mustafin Robert D1


1. Astrakhan State Medical University


The clinical, immunological and endoscopic features of anastomositis were studied in patients after the stomach resection according to Billroth II in various modifications because of peptic ulcer disease. The study revealed the relationship in development of anastomositis with the level of populations T-lympho cytes, immunoregulatory index, circulating immune complexes, R-proteins in the early postoperative period as well as before the operation. Disturbances in the immune system may lead to decrease in stability of mucosa and to the increase of aggressive factors. The severity of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system is interrelated with the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. The higher the antibody titers to the antigen CagA Helicobacter pylori, the more severe there may be the manifestations of immunopathological reactions and the more severe the clinical signs of anastomositis. Immunological indicators and their dynamics may be used both for the early diagnosis of anastomositis, and for the prognosis and prophylaxis of this postoperative complication.


Astrakhan State Medical University

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