The possibilities of artificial intelligence in improving the information educational space of Russian regions


Arapova Elena1,Bocharov Anatoly2,Vostroknutov Igor'3,Grebenyuk Elena4,Grigor'ev Ivan5,Grigor'ev Sergey6,Dzhariev Ismail77,Kozlov Oleg8,Kramarov Sergey9,Luk'yanova Galina1,Magerramov Imran1011,Maksimenko Viktor12,Martynov Dmitriy1314,Mityasova Ol'ga15,Pegushin Vladimir16,Petrov Evgeniy7,Popov Oleg17,Potopahina Ol'ga18,Romanov Roman19,Rusakov Aleksandr20,Savrasova Yuliya21,Sar'yan Vil'yam22,Saharova Lyudmila1,Usatyy Roman1,Holodov Vitaliy23,Khramov Vladimir102


1. Rostovskiy gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheskiy universitet (RINH)

2. Southern University (IMBL)

3. Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Rossiyskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya intellektual'noy sobstvennosti"

4. Surgut State University

5. Chastnoe uchrezhdenie po cifrovizacii atomnoy otrasli «Cifrum»

6. GAOU VO Moskovskiy gorodskoy pedagogicheskiy universitet

7. Surgutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet

8. Rossiyskaya akademiya obrazovaniya

9. Southern Federal University

10. ChOU VO «Yuzhnyy universitet (IUBiP)»

11. OOO "Datum CR"

12. Municipal'noebyudzhetnoe obscheobrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie Novolakedemonovskaya srednyaya obscheobrazovatel'naya shkola

13. GAOU VO g. Moskvy «Moskovskiy gorodskoy pedagogicheskiy universitet»

14. Obschestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost'yu «Robometriks»

15. Business IT company

16. Administraciya Neklinovskogo rayona Rostovskoy oblasti

17. Yuzhnoe otdelenie Akademii informatizacii obrazovaniya

18. Municipal'noe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie obrazovaniya «Resursnyy informacionno-metodicheskiy centr»

19. Gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya Rostovskoy oblasti oblastnoy centr detskogo tehnicheskogo tvorchestva uchaschihsya

20. Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya «MIREA — Rossiyskiy tehnologicheskiy universitet»

21. Administraciya Neklinovskogo rayona

22. MFTI

23. Municipal'noe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya «Stanciya yunyh tehnikov» Neklinovskogo rayona


The monograph is written by a team of authors and based on the results of "The possibilities of artificial intelligence in improving the information educational space of the regions of Russia" thematic platform’s work within the XX All-Russian Conference and the XXX All-Russian school and seminar "Integration of Russian universities into the world educational and scientific space, taking into account regional peculiarities", as well as on the basis of regular meetings within the virtual laboratory on artificial intelligence and robotics research. The discussion was held in a format combined with a Southern Branch of the Interregional Public Organization "Academy of Informatization of Education" (SB AIE) meeting. The discussion was devoted to the modern information technologies, software, artificial intelligence application, digitalization in educational organizations within the implementation of educational activities and parenting process. The proposed materials can be useful to specialists of the Department of the education system of Russia and its regions, employees of federal and regional authorities and management, as well as regional associations of academic mobility.


Publishing Center RIOR

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