Investigation of the Permeability and Refraction of a Plane-Polarized EMW Interacting with a Dielectric Chiral Medium


Malyshev Igor1,Parshina Natalia1,Dubchenko Nikita1


1. Southern Federal University


Based on consideration of the well-known Maxwell and Maxwell–Garnett relations for dielectric substrates, presented in the form of a bulk dielectric (alloy) with chirally-coupled bulk structures distributed in it (for example, left-handed and right-handed spirals), two algorithms are proposed, determining the main connected with each other parameters of the chirality coefficient, concentration of chiral particles and permittivities. This part of the work is of a theoretical nature and is considered in relation to the microwave frequency range. In the second part of the work, a method is given for finding the refractive index of a plane-polarized EMW as it passes through a chiral medium. In this case, an original method is used, based on the relationship between the chirality coefficient and the angle of rotation of a wave that has passed through a given medium with given electrophysical parameters.


RIOR Publishing Center


General Medicine

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