The mystery of education (on the universal poetic basis of pedagogy)


Gagaev Andrey1,Gagaev Pavel2


1. Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva

2. Penza State University


The monograph explores the problem of the universal-poetic nature of human spirituality and education as a reality that takes into account the above about a person. The universal-poetic in education is associated with the abandonment of the purposeful component in the pedagogical process (as the dominant of education) and the appeal to the imaginative-idealistic interaction of the teacher and the pupil, during which the discovery and deployment of universal-poetic semantics and intentions in the student is maintained. The methodology in the work is the idealistic-substrate reflection of A.A. Gagaev. It is addressed to specialists and students studying the problems of pedagogy, as well as to anyone interested in the phenomenon of man and his upbringing.


Publishing Center RIOR

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