Some rhetorical devices in lyrical rock-discourse (at the example of the russian musical group «Elysium»’s discourse)


Alekseev Aleksandr1


1. Rossiyskaya akademiya narodnogo hozyaystva i gosudarstvennoy sluzhby pri Prezidente Rossiyskoy Federacii.


In the article, with the help of general scientific and linguistic methods, primarily linguostylistic and contextual analyses, the study of lyrical rock-discourse is continued. The emphasis is made on its hybrid nature, viz. Placement between rock, poetical and, perhaps, interactive (juvenile) discourses. It has been found out that among different tools of rhetorical influence, made use of in the studied variation of rock-discourse, tropes, the most common of which are metaphors and epithets, have an important role. In the research, the cases of pragmatic application of personal pronouns and graphics are considered. Attention is paid to the personality of the lyrical hero (heroine) that is shown to be a language personality as well.


Astrakhan State Medical University

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