To the question of understanding the phenomenon of "legal protection"


Osipov Mikhail1ORCID


1. International police assiiation


The problem of understanding the phenomenon of "legal protection" is one of the urgent problems facing the modern theory of state and law. The subject of the study, the results of which are presented in this article, are the structural and functional patterns of legal protection as a phenomenon of legal science. In the course of the study, a number of results were obtained that constitute a certain scientific novelty: the concept of legal protection was given, which is proposed to be considered in two senses: in the objective and subjective. In an objective sense, legal protection should be understood as a system of protective rules of law that establish protection measures (methods for protecting and restoring violated rights) and measures of responsibility (punishment) in the event of unlawful acts. In a subjective sense, legal protection should be understood as the process of establishing and implementing protection measures and liability measures in the event of unlawful acts. Also in this article, the main elements of legal protection were considered, which include: subjects of legal protection; subject of legal protection, principles of legal protection, method of legal protection, mechanism of legal protection. In addition, the functions of legal protection, and factors affecting its effectiveness, were considered.


RIOR Publishing Center


General Medicine

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