
Mayorova Elena1,Ravcheeva Valeriya1,Savkina Alice1,Shershneva Victoria1


1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet upravleniya


The subject of the article is both legal and social aspects of the use of urban forests in Moscow among which are the destruction of urban forests, the uncertainty of the definition and status of urban forests. The article considers the question of how the urban forests of the capital of the country are used and how this correlates with legal norms and social needs of citizens. The concentration of population in cities is becoming a global trend. The level of urbanization is reaching higher and higher indicators every day. Living in urban agglomerations isolated from nature leads to many health problems of citizens. The task of increasing the comfort of the urban environment could be solved by arrays of urban forests. It is known that forest vegetation has a huge positive impact on human health and emotional state. However, their use does not always correspond to legal norms and the interests of citizens. The article aims to investigate the relationship between the state of urban forests and the level of comfort of the urban environment, to identify specific factors that negatively affect the state of green spaces as well as to analyze social opinion about the problem. The article reveals the ecological significance of urban forests: they are a place for recreation, recreation, sports, and walks, in addition, they perform an important ecological function, maintaining balance in the natural environment and improving air quality, and describes the features of the dangerous state in which they are located. To study the legal and social aspects of the use of urban forests, the following methods were used: analysis of legislative acts regulating the use of urban forests and the study of the practice of their application, the study of expert opinions in the field of ecology law and sociology monitoring the use of urban forests in Moscow (identification of social aspects of forest use) a survey of residents of Moscow to find out their opinion about the use of urban forests and to assess the social significance of forests for city residents, analysis of statistical data on the importance of urban forests for city residents. As a result of the research legal and managerial problems were identified and practical solutions were proposed. Futhermore, it is important not to forget about the cooperation of city authorities, environmental organizations and the public in order to create an effective urban forest management system that would take into account the interests of all stakeholders and allow preserving this important resource for urban ecology and the health of residents. The results of the study can be used to develop recommendations for improving the use of urban forests, additionally for making decisions in the field of management and protection of the urban environment. The forest as an ecosystem located within a megalopolis is under threat of destruction. It is important that the use of urban forests is regulated by legislation and carried out within the framework of established rules and regulations. The use of Moscow's urban forests should be carried out taking into account their legal status and social significance, which will help ensure the preservation of these valuable environmental resources. The problem requires an integrated approach, including management measures, public involvement, scientific research and information campaigns. The sum of these decisions and the changes associated with them will help ensure the preservation of valuable environmental resources for future generations.


RIOR Publishing Center


General Medicine

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