
Tkachenko A.1


1. Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky


Medical biophysics is a very special branch of medicine that studies the physical processes occurring in the human body, its structure and function in norm and pathology, methods for diagnosing pathological conditions. Throughout the development of this science, it has been closely connected with the latest IT developments. Various software tools are used daily both for training new specialists and for the work of already established scientists. In the process of learning, a comprehensive study of the human body takes place at various levels. Over the centuries of studying the human body, a huge amount of information has accumulated, no scientist would be able to master such a volume of data even in a lifetime if all knowledge were not systematized and presented in a convenient form. Various information technologies and special applications for visual study of a person play an important role in performing the task of such information processing.


RIOR Publishing Center

Reference10 articles.

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