
Nikanorova E.1,Varganova I.1,Medvedev Ya.1,Nagiba V.1


1. Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics


The article presents the comparative study results of the bioeffects of 30-minute exposure session to electromagnetic radiation with 1000 MHz frequency and 10 mW/cm2 EFD; of 30-minute exposure session to low-frequency pulsed magnetic field with 4 mT magnetic induction, as well as their combination, on rat’s lymphocytes apoptosis level in vivo. The apoptosis level was assessed morphologically with fluorescent microscope after 24-hours of cell suspension cultivation at immunological plates at 37 0C in nutrient medium without loading. The percentage of cells with morphological signs of apoptosis (margination, condensation and fragmentation of chromatin in nucleus) was quantitatively determined. It was found that electromagnetic irradiation had no significant impact on apoptosis level, but magnetic field action resulted in reducing the apoptosis cells number by 16% (p≤0,01) compared to the control group. The combination of electromagnetic radiation and low intensity magnetic field increased the apoptotic cells number by 28% (p ≤0.01) compared to the control. Thus, the mediated effect of electromagnetic radiation on blood cells genome leads to disruption of its normal functioning. It has been shown that low-frequency magnetic field can influence on intracellular processes in different directions; in combination with electromagnetic radiation it can intensify pathological reactions, and thus launching the apoptosis massive program.


RIOR Publishing Center

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