New IT technologies in construction: a wide range of applications


Konikov Aleksandr1


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


Currently, a new generation of IT technologies has appeared: cloud computing, intelligent computing, the Internet of things, big data, etc. Many solutions are built on the basis of the Internet, moreover, their implementation required the development of a new Internet protocol IPv6 - to expand the address of the previous version of IPv4. Some of the solutions relate to modern telecommunications: wireless communication channels, modern versions of wi-fi, wireless sensor networks. The list goes on, it is constantly updated and expanding. A number of solutions related to new IT technologies are used in the construction industry, it is necessary to comprehend the accumulated experience, others are clearly not used enough, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of their implementation. The article conducts a study of new IT technologies from the point of view of the possibility of their use in the construction industry.


RIOR Publishing Center


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,Business and International Management

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