Development of a web service for processing data from electronic images of urban plans of land plots


Dovgal Sofiia1,Mukhaev Egor1,Sabitov Marat1,Adamcevich Lyubov'1


1. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering


The article gives an idea of the content of urban planning plans for land plots (UPPLP), their purpose, as well as the relevance of developing a service for automatic recognition of data from an electronic image of a document. The existing services for automatic processing of documents are analyzed, and a technical solution developed by the authors is presented in the form of a web service for parsing and structuring electronic images of UPPLP. The description of the structure and operation of the web service, as well as the data conversion algorithm implemented in the solution is given.


RIOR Publishing Center


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,Business and International Management

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