Classification of Mediaeval Wine-Presses in the South-Western Crimea


Gantsev Valentin1


1. V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


The main purpose of this article is to develop an objective classification of mediaeval caved-in-rock wine-presses in the south-western Crimea. The accounts of 76 best-preserved wineries located within the limits of the “cave towns” of the Crimea or in their immediate vicinity are used. There were four main classes of wine-presses. Class I includes wineries, consisting of pressing platform, juice conduct, and juice container. Four types of class 1 wine-presses with variants have been suggested depending on the presence and location of cuts-in-rock intended for the lever press. Class II comprises of wine-presses consisting only of pressing platform and juice conduct. Class III consists of the wine-presses with portable wooden pressing platforms. Class IV comprises of screw presses. Class I wine-presses were the most common at the mediaeval sites in the Crimea. Lever press prevailed since it provided the cheapest construction and the most efficient usage.


RIOR Publishing Center

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