
Gurgenyan N.1,Knyazyan N.1


1. Institut obschey i neorganicheskoy himii im. M.G. Manvelyana


Abstract. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that currently there is a steady tendency to increase the amount of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) occurring in the human environment, which negatively affects the healthy indoor environment and determines the focus of experimental research on protecting humans from factors hazardous to health. This article is devoted to the possibility of creating radioprotective building materials from man-made waste from various deposits of Armenia. Research is aimed at creating a comfortable living area inside buildings through the development of radioprotective sandwich-type materials that reduce the impact of EMR on human health. Work was carried out in the direction of developing samples of radio-absorbing structures and selecting radio-absorbing fillers. The laboratory obtained samples from stone processing waste and waste from the extraction of ore minerals with a density from -1500 to 2000 kg/m3, as well as samples based on expanded perlite and a mineral binder with a density of 250-300 kg/m3 as an internal heat-insulating layer and transferred to the National Scientific Laboratory named after A.I.Alikhanyan (Yerevan Institute of Physics) for proton irradiation. In this work, the samples were subjected to proton irradiation, since it is a component of cosmic radiation, as well as EMR and is capable of penetrating through layers of matter depending on its composition and properties. Some physical and mechanical properties of the resulting materials, such as compressive strength and water absorption, were also studied. In addition, the article contains a review of foreign experience in obtaining radioprotective materials with various types of radiation. At this stage, only proton irradiation has been studied, but work in this direction continues. Subject of study: development of radioprotective materials of the “sandwich” type. Materials and methods: waste of aluminosilicate rocks (tuffs) and waste from the extraction of ore minerals were used. The method of proton irradiation of the obtained materials was used. Results: radioprotective materials have been developed that reduce EMR. Conclusions: The possibility of obtaining radioprotective materials by introducing ore mineral mining waste into the composition of the composite material has been confirmed.


RIOR Publishing Center

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