1. 5th Edition Of The “TOP 500 Cross-Border Retail Europe”. URL: https://www.cbcommerce.eu/blog/2023/03/27/5th-edition-of-the-top-500-crossborder-retail-europe-an-annual-ranking-of-the-top-500-european-crossborder-online-shops/ (дата обращения: 03.12.2023)., 5th Edition Of The “TOP 500 Cross-Border Retail Europe”. URL: https://www.cbcommerce.eu/blog/2023/03/27/5th-edition-of-the-top-500-crossborder-retail-europe-an-annual-ranking-of-the-top-500-european-crossborder-online-shops/ (data obrascheniya: 03.12.2023).
2. ACEA, Pocket Guide2022/2023 the Automobile Industry. URL: https://www.acea.auto/fi les/ACEA_Pocket_Guide_2022-2023.pdf (дата обращения:02.12.2023)., ACEA, Pocket Guide2022/2023 the Automobile Industry. URL: https://www.acea.auto/fi les/ACEA_Pocket_Guide_2022-2023.pdf (data obrascheniya:02.12.2023).
3. ACEA, R&D investment in the automobile sector, by world region. URL:https://www.acea.auto/figure/rd-investment-in-the-automobile-sector-byworld-region/ (дата обращения: 02.12.2023)., ACEA, R&D investment in the automobile sector, by world region. URL:https://www.acea.auto/figure/rd-investment-in-the-automobile-sector-byworld-region/ (data obrascheniya: 02.12.2023).
4. Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 22 June 2022 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism (COM(2021)0564 — C9-0328/2021-2021/0214(COD))., Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 22 June 2022 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism (COM(2021)0564 — C9-0328/2021-2021/0214(COD)).
5. Article 8 and 12 of the WPPT and Article 6(2) of the WCT. URL: https://www.eapo.org/ru/documents/norm/instr2020.html (дата обращения: 02.12.2023)., Article 8 and 12 of the WPPT and Article 6(2) of the WCT. URL: https://www.eapo.org/ru/documents/norm/instr2020.html (data obrascheniya: 02.12.2023).