Ethnic factor in the formation and development of federal relations


Salomatin Alexey1,Makeeva Natal'ya1,Nakvakina Ekaterina1,Koryakina Angelina2


1. Penza State University

2. Penzenskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet


In today's turbulent world, ethnic contradictions naturally intensify. They are nourished both by the just desire of ethnic groups for self-determination and ethnic egocentrism. When analyzing the influence of the ethnic factor on the world of federations, it is necessary to take into account both the traditional tools: the theories of primordialism, instrumentalism, constructivism, and the innovative ones proposed by the author's team: ethnolinguistic architecture and the cultural and religious structure of the federation. The publication is intended for students, undergraduates and teachers of legal, political science and historical fields of study, as well as for specialists in the field of public administration and anyone interested in the problems of state studies.


Publishing Center RIOR

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