The concept of forming a competency matrix for the higher education faculty for the digital economy


Etuev Khazhmukhamed123,Babajan Natalya1,Frolova Olga1,Maximova Maria1


1. - Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"

2. Autonomous noncommercial organization of higher education «Innopolis University»

3. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution "North Caucasus Federal University"


The concept presents the results of the research work of the Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Employees of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. This publication contains an analysis of the legal regulatory aspects of regulating the higher education faculty for the digital economy, an analysis and generalization of scientific approaches to the formation of a competency model/matrix, as well as the author’s method for structuring competencies and their scopes, including assessment criteria, competency level and their indicators. The results of the study presented in the concept may be of interest to researchers of the problems of digital transformation of society and digitalization of higher education, representatives of public authorities, heads of higher education and structural units for personnel management and development.


Publishing Center RIOR

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