Updating the classification, typology and methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of private household plots


Agnaeva Irina1,Semina Natal'ya2


1. Vserossiyskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizacii proizvodstva, truda i upravleniya v sel'skom hozyaystve – filial FGBNU «Federal'nyy nauchnyy centr agrarnoy ekonomiki i social'nogo razvitiya sel'skih territoriy – Vserossiyskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut ekonomiki sel'skogo hozyaystva»

2. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheskiy universitet


The article provides an updated classification and typology of personal subsidiary plots, from the standpoint of functioning efficiency. The authors have developed an economic and psychological characteristics and given, based on their own research, an assessment of the effectiveness of types of personal subsidiary plots. The system of criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of personal subsidiary farms, taking into account the characteristics of the organizational structure, within the framework of the available research method, has been determined, consists of the following indicators: the share of private household plots in the total volume of agricultural production by all categories of farms; costs of household plots for the production of livestock products; costs of household plots for the production of crop products; profitability. The authors identified the directions for increasing their efficiency based on solving existing problems: the development of cooperative relations between private household plots and the existing forms of cooperative cooperation represented by consumer societies and agricultural consumer cooperatives; stimulating the use of small-scale mechanization devices in private household plots; digitalization of production, economics and management of private household plots and their associations; development of institutional conditions for the functioning of economic and organizational forms of organizing personal subsidiary plots: gardening, peasant (farm) economy, individual entrepreneurship, etc.


RIOR Publishing Center

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