Analysis of the state of domestic soybean breeding and seed production using the SWOT method in modern economic conditions


Chutcheva Julia1,Belyshkina Marina2,Degtyareva Elena2


1. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet – MSHA imeni K.A. Timiryazeva, Moskva, Rossiya

2. Federal'nyy nauchnyy agroinzhenernyy centr VIM (FGBNU FNAC VIM)


Russian breeding and seed production of soybean varieties have prospects for further development, as thanks to the creation of new high-protein technological varieties, import substitution of seeds and food security in the production of vegetable protein for the needs of the food and processing industry will be ensured. Modern soybean varieties must meet the highest criteria for yield, seed quality and technological efficiency of cultivation. The purpose of the research was to assess the current state of domestic soybean breeding and seed production in modern economic conditions through the implementation of a SWOT analysis of the industry to identify strengths and weaknesses, potential opportunities, as well as current organizational and economic problems. The stability of domestic breeding and seed production is ensured by the existing scientific and material-technical base and highly professional personnel, the resulting varieties are more adapted to the biotic and abiotic stressors of the cultivation region. Import substitution in the market of seeds of agricultural crops, including soybeans, will be facilitated by the introduction of a full innovation cycle format: breeding – seed production – sale of seeds and planting material – agrotechnical support. Producers and distributors of seeds of foreign selection create a high level of competition in the market, which contributes to the emergence of additional risks to increase the share of seeds of domestic selection in the structure of acreage. The tendency to replace the market of domestic soybean seeds with foreign varieties may further lead to a loss of control over the quality characteristics of the new soybean varieties obtained, a possible transfer of the gene pool into private hands, including abroad. The innovative development of domestic soybean breeding and seed production is hindered by the presence of a "shadow" market of falsified seeds, often of low seed quality. State support for the breeding and seed production industry, the creation of new and modernization of existing breeding and seed farms will allow achieving the goals set to ensure import substitution of soybean seeds in the agri-food market, solving the problem of vegetable protein in the food industry and feed production.


RIOR Publishing Center

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