Management of forum project activities at the University based on modern approaches to the organization of students' activities


Grabova Olga1,Grabov Anton1,Suglobov Aleksandr2ORCID


1. Nekrasov Kostroma State University

2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


The article actualizes the issues of management of forum project activities at universities. The purpose of the research is to search and test modern forms of interaction between professionals, mentors and students directly during the forum (other similar events), which increase students' motivation, their activity and interest in the implementation of the forum program. Research method: experimental. Based on the implemented grant of Kostroma State University (based on the results of the competition of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs), the paper shows traditional and innovative forms, the combination of which provided an emergent effect of the success of the forum. The main groups of activity forms of students' work organization that can be used in the implementation of similar projects are identified. The article shows the marketing and digital components that form the elements of innovation, influence the forms of interaction, the development of the competencies of the teaching staff.


RIOR Publishing Center


Polymers and Plastics,General Environmental Science

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