
Nigmatullin Ramis1


1. Kazan Cooperative Institute


: In the modern world, where social, economic and political structures are becoming increasingly complex, issues related to maintaining economic security are becoming especially important. At the same time, the key goal of maintaining economic security, especially in conditions of high dynamics of global processes, is to prevent potential risks and threats. The fundamental global challenge in this context is the trend of global digital integration. At the moment, digital solutions play a key role in the development of scientific, technical and economic spheres, and the foundation of socio-economic development is the creation of trusting relationships in systems where digital innovation plays a key role. Cooperation between government, entrepreneurs and public organizations in the field of digital security is becoming a determining factor for organizing joint work in these conditions. Despite the close attention to the issues of digitalization by many scientists, aspects of its impact on economic security are still insufficiently studied. The object of the study is a complex of relations in the field of ensuring economic security. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis and systematization of problems associated with maintaining economic security in the era of global digitalization. Research methods – research of scientific works on the research topic, general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization). Scientific novelty is a generalization of the specifics of the development of digitalization in modern conditions, a description of the main problems of economic security, opportunities and methodological monitoring tools aimed at solving these problems.


RIOR Publishing Center

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