The composition of the mechanism for realizing the interests of the rural population


Ulez'ko Andrey1,Reymer Valeriy2ORCID


1. NIIEOAAPK Central Chernobyl Region - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Voronezh Federal Scientific Research Center named after. V.V. Dokuchaeva

2. Moscow University of Finance and Law MFUA


The organizational and economic mechanism is considered as a means of organizing the interaction of subjects localized within the boundaries of various economic systems, among themselves and with other systems of various levels, and the mechanism for realizing the economic interests of the rural population as one of the components of the organizational and economic mechanism obtained by its decomposition. This mechanism is designed to solve the problems of creating a favorable environment that allows to fully meet the needs (realize the interests) of the rural population and provides the opportunity for the population to receive income sufficient to meet basic physical and spiritual needs, economic and physical accessibility of all types of goods consumed by the rural population, the comfort of the rural population's habitat and the safety of its life; the level of quality life, necessary for the implementation of at least a simple reproduction of it; integration of the population into the common economic space and its interaction with all subjects of the social production system; free access to information resources of the society and communication channels, etc. Structural, functional and supporting elements are identified as the main components of the mechanism under study and their essential characteristics are revealed.


RIOR Publishing Center

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