Immobilized enzymatic biocatalysts and their application for destruction of organophosphorus compounds in water, soil and air systems


Maslova Olga1,Efremenko Elena12,Lyagin Il'ya12,Sen'ko Ol'ga12,Aslanli Aslanli1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences


Undecomposed residues of organophosphorus compounds (OPC) after treatment with pesticides of plants or animals often fall into natural objects (water, soil and air). Modern approaches to the immobilization of enzymes allowing obtaining of stable biological products are described, as well as the possible using of immobilized enzymes for the decomposition of different OPC: paraoxone, methyl and ethyl paraoxone, coumaphos, parathion, methyl and ethyl parathion, chlorpyrifos, soman, VX, methylphosphonic acid and its isobutyl and diisobutyl ethers, diisopropyl fluorophosphate.


Publishing Center RIOR

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