Development of internal control in the agricultural production management system


Klychova Guzaliya1,Zakirova Alsu1,Valiev Ayrat1,Ziganshin Bulat1


1. Kazan state agrarian University


The monograph scientifically substantiates and formulates the conceptual provisions of internal control in the management system of agricultural production. Within the framework of the concept, the directions for the development of internal control of assets and liabilities of an agricultural organization are proposed, which consist in improving the methodological tools of internal control. The proposed recommendations will make it possible to systematize and summarize the information collected during the audit in order to provide it to the management of the organization in a timely manner for making effective management decisions. For researchers, practicing accountants of agricultural organizations, managers of various levels, heads of enterprises, teachers, doctoral students, postgraduates and masters, students of centers and advanced training courses.


Publishing Center RIOR

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