
Solovyev A.1,Kulchitskij O.1,Pritulo L.2,Oleynik A.2


1. Ryazan State Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Medical University

2. V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


Acquired internal inter-intestinal fistulas in children are rare. Their cause may be acute intestinal perforation after surgery, or covered (not diagnosed) ulcer as a complication of NEC in deeply premature children. Of the 3 children with acquired internal inter-intestinal fistulas, 2 were operated on for congenital intestinal obstruction. After the operation, acute intestinal ulcers appeared. In a premature child, an inter-intestinal fistula arose against the background of NEC, which was treated conservatively. All the children were operated on, the inter-intestinal fistula was eliminated. 2 children are alive, 1 died after surgery (multiple organ failure).


RIOR Publishing Center


Process Chemistry and Technology,Economic Geology,Fuel Technology

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