Mycogenic xylolysis processes in artificial forest plantations in the steppe zone of the Orenburg region (Southern Urals)


Safonov M.1


1. Orenburg State University


Macromycetes are the most significant component of the forest ecosystem decomposers. The process of mycogenic wood decay depends on various factors, which in turn affects the functioning of forest ecosystems. The study of mycogenic xylolysis processes in the Southern Urals (Orenburg region) began in 2000. However, during that period experiment was limited to the forest-steppe part of the region and focused on stands of natural origin. However, the majority of the region is located within the steppe zone, highlighting the relevance of similar studies in the central and southern parts of the region in stands of artificial origin. The experiment was conducted in 2019–2022; so, samples of birch, pine, elm and maple wood were laid for a period of 3 years. The studies show that the rate of mycogenic wood decay varies within the steppe zone of the Southern Urals. The highest rate of decay is characteristic for the branch litter of elm, birch, and pine, while the lowest rate is observed for the decay of maple. A wider variation in the decomposition rate was typical for samples of pine and birch. The decomposition rate of pine wood varies significantly depending on the location, while the indicators for birch wood are more uniform. The comparison of the newly obtained data with previously collected data on the rate of mycogenic xylolysis in the forests of the forest-steppe part of the region indicates that the wood decay rate in artificial plantations is slightly lower than that in natural forests, particularly in relation to pine wood decay. Thus, the intensity of mycogenic xylolysis in artificial plantations of the steppe zone of the Southern Urals is relatively high and is quite comparable to that in natural plantations. This indicates the efficient operation of the system of reducers in artificial plantings.


RIOR Publishing Center

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