About adaptation of Berberis aquifolium in forest communities of the Southern coast of Crimea


Bondarenko Z.1,Bagrikova N.2


1. Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad – Nacional'nyy nauchnyy centr RAN

2. Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad – Nacional'nyy nauchnyy centr RAN Yalta


The article discusses the edaphic and climatic conditions of the forest communities on the Southern coast of Crimea, where the invasive species Berberis aquifolium was recorded. Based on the results of a geobotanical survey of these communities, cluster and ordination analysis using phytoindicative method, the amplitudes of the following factors were determined: illumination of cenoses (Lc), temperature regime (Tm), continentality of climate (Kn), soil moisture (Hd), substrate reaction (Rc), mineral nitrogen content in soil (Nt). The studied communities are quite similar in terms of the continentality of the climate and substrate reaction. Communities in mixed and coniferous forests with Pinus pallasiana of the middle belt (class Erico-Pinetea) are characterized by the highest amplitude and high values of illumination and temperature parameters. The highest level of moisture and mineral nitrogen content in the soil were registered in the low belt of the downy oak-and-hornbeam communities (class Quercetea pubescentis). The significant range of edaphic and climatic factors indicates that Berberis aquifolium has sufficiently wide ecological amplitudes. It allows the species to be introduced into various types of plant communities. The obtained data confirm the high level of adaptation of the species to the natural conditions of the Southern coast of Crimea.


RIOR Publishing Center

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