Compton scattering is generally neglected in diffraction experiments because the incoherent radiation it generates does not give rise to interference effects and therefore is negligible at Bragg peaks. However, as the scattering volume is reduced, the difference between the Rayleigh (coherent) and Compton (incoherent) contributions at Bragg peaks diminishes and the incoherent part may become substantial. The consequences can be significant for coherent diffraction imaging at high scattering angles: the incoherent radiation produces background that smears out the secondary interference fringes, affecting thus the achievable resolution of the technique. Here, a criterion that relates the object shape and the resolution is introduced. The Compton contribution for several object shapes is quantified, and it is shown that the maximum achievable resolution along different directions has a strong dependence on the crystal shape and size.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Swedish Research Council
Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems
Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Instrumentation,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,Radiation
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2 articles.