1. OCELOT: A software framework for synchrotron light source and FEL studies
2. The FERMI@Elettra free-electron-laser source for coherent x-ray physics: photon properties, beam transport system and applications
3. Altarelli, M., Brinkmann, R., Chergui, M., Decking, W., Dobson, B., Düsterer, S., Grübel, G., Graeff, W., Graafsma, H., Hajdu, J., Marangos, Jonathan., Pflüger, J., Redlin, H., Riley, D., Robinson, I., Rossbach, J., Schwarz, A., Tiedtke, K., Tschentscher, T., Vartaniants, I., Wabnitz, H., Weise, H., Wichmann, R., Witte, K., Wolf, A., Wulff, M. & Yurkov, M. (2006). The European X-ray Free-Electron Laser, Technical Design Report. DESY Report 2006g-097. DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
4. Few-femtosecond time-resolved measurements of X-ray free-electron lasers
5. Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography