A transmission electron microscopy study of the crystallographic characteristics of magnetite needles in plagioclase


Hwang Shyh-Lung,Shen Pouyan,Yui Tzen-Fu,Chu Hao-Tsu,Usui Yoichi


The correct and precise crystal forms and the crystallographic orientation relationships (CORs) of ten main magnetite needle groups in the plagioclase host were unequivocally determined by transmission electron microscopy from >100 selected magnetite needles with well defined shape orientations in petrographic thin sections of a gabbro core sample drilled from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The as-observed CORs of magnetite in plagioclase are in accordance with the optimal matching in the oxygen sublattices of the two structures via the close alignment between two sets of close-packed (c.p.) oxygen arrays parallel to {111}m in magnetite (m) and two sets of quasi-c.p. oxygen arrays parallel to (150)p, (150)p, (112)p, (312)p, (021)p or (121)p in plagioclase (p), as demonstrated for the first time in the accumulated oxygen number versus normal distance [from the (hkl) plane] plots. Such a simple oxygen sublattice matching principle does not rely on the length matching for the specific pair of lattice directions or on the d-spacing matching for the specific pair of lattice planes of the two structures, and therefore must be generally applicable for any mineral/oxide inclusions with a c.p. or quasi-c.p. oxygen sublattice formed via precipitation in open or closed systems. The topotaxial nuclei then undergo extended growth along the kinetically fast growth direction of the two structures with the most similar oxygen distribution patterns, i.e. along the normal direction of the aligned pair of oxygen arrays, thereby yielding the pronounced shape orientations such as magnetite needles in plagioclase.


National Science Council


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)








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