In the structure of the title solvated complex, [Pt(C8H4N2S2)2(C5H6N2)2]·C2H6OS or trans-[Pt(4-ap)2(qdt)2]·dmso (4-ap = 4-aminopyridyl, C5H6N2; qdt = quinoxaline-2,3-dithiolate, C8H4N2S2; dmso = dimethyl sulfoxide, C2H6OS) the centrosymmetric complex exhibits Pt—S distances in agreement with other PtIV—S bond lengths found in platinum(IV) dithiolene complexes. The qdt ligands have intermolecular interactions with an amine hydrogen atom on a 4-ap ligand (hydrogen bonding) and have sandwich π–π interactions with a neighboring qdt ligand.
National Science Foundation
Welch Foundation
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine