Synthesis, crystal structure, and spectroscopic and thermal properties of the polymeric compoundcatena-poly[[bis(2,4-dichlorobenzoato)zinc(II)]-μ-isonicotinamide]


Homzová Katarína,Györyová Katarína,Koman Marián,Melník Milan,Juhászová Žofia


Zinc(II) carboxylates withO-,S- andN-donor ligands are interesting for their structural features, as well as for their antibacterial and antifungal activities. The one-dimensional zinc(II) coordination complexcatena-poly[[bis(2,4-dichlorobenzoato-κO)zinc(II)]-μ-isonicotinamide-κ2N1:O], [Zn(C7H3Cl2O2)2(C6H6N2O)]n, has been prepared and characterized by IR spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray analysis and thermal analysis. The tetrahedral ZnO3N coordination about the ZnIIcation is built up by the N atom of the pyridine ring, an O atom of the carbonyl group of the isonicotinamide ligand and two O atoms of two dichlorobenzoate ligands. Isonicotinamide serves as a bridge between tetrahedra, with a Zn...Zn distance of 8.8161 (7) Å. Additionally, π–π interactions between the planar benzene rings contribute to the stabilization of the extended structure. The structure is also stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the amino and carboxylate groups of the ligands, forming a two-dimensional network. During thermal decomposition of the complex, isonicotinamide, dichlorobenzene and carbon dioxide were evolved. The final solid product of the thermal decomposition heated up to 1173 K was metallic zinc.


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)


Materials Chemistry,Inorganic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Condensed Matter Physics

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