Crystal structures of theBacillus subtilisprophage lytic cassette proteins XepA and YomS


Freitag-Pohl Stefanie,Jasilionis Andrius,Håkansson Maria,Svensson L. Anders,Kovačič Rebeka,Welin Martin,Watzlawick Hildegard,Wang Lei,Altenbuchner Josef,Płotka Magdalena,Kaczorowska Anna Karina,Kaczorowski Tadeusz,Nordberg Karlsson Eva,Al-Karadaghi Salam,Walse Björn,Aevarsson Arnthór,Pohl Ehmke


As part of the Virus-X Consortium that aims to identify and characterize novel proteins and enzymes from bacteriophages and archaeal viruses, the genes of the putative lytic proteins XepA fromBacillus subtilisprophage PBSX and YomS from prophage SPβ were cloned and the proteins were subsequently produced and functionally characterized. In order to elucidate the role and the molecular mechanism of XepA and YomS, the crystal structures of these proteins were solved at resolutions of 1.9 and 1.3 Å, respectively. XepA consists of two antiparallel β-sandwich domains connected by a 30-amino-acid linker region. A pentamer of this protein adopts a unique dumbbell-shaped architecture consisting of two discs and a central tunnel. YomS (12.9 kDa per monomer), which is less than half the size of XepA (30.3 kDa), shows homology to the C-terminal part of XepA and exhibits a similar pentameric disc arrangement. Each β-sandwich entity resembles the fold of typical cytoplasmic membrane-binding C2 domains. Only XepA exhibits distinct cytotoxic activityin vivo, suggesting that the N-terminal pentameric domain is essential for this biological activity. The biological and structural data presented here suggest that XepA disrupts the proton motive force of the cytoplasmatic membrane, thus supporting cell lysis.


European Research Council


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)


Structural Biology

Reference63 articles.

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