Hirshfeld atom refinement based on projector augmented wave densities with periodic boundary conditions


Ruth Paul NiklasORCID,Herbst-Irmer RegineORCID,Stalke DietmarORCID


Hirshfeld atom refinement (HAR) is an X-ray diffraction refinement method that, in numerous publications, has been shown to give H-atom bond lengths in close agreement with neutron diffraction derived values. Presented here is a first evaluation of an approach using densities derived from projector augmented wave (PAW) densities with three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions for HAR. The results show an improvement over refinements that neglect the crystal environment or treat it classically, while being on a par with non-periodic approximations for treating the solid-state environment quantum mechanically. A suite of functionals were evaluated for this purpose, showing that the SCAN and revSCAN functionals are most suited to these types of calculation.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)


Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,Biochemistry,General Chemistry

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