DeepRes: a new deep-learning- and aspect-based local resolution method for electron-microscopy maps


Ramírez-Aportela Erney,Mota Javier,Conesa Pablo,Carazo Jose Maria,Sorzano Carlos Oscar S.


In this article, a method is presented to estimate a new local quality measure for 3D cryoEM maps that adopts the form of a `local resolution' type of information. The algorithm (DeepRes) is based on deep-learning 3D feature detection. DeepRes is fully automatic and parameter-free, and avoids the issues of most current methods, such as their insensitivity to enhancements owing to B-factor sharpening (unless the 3D mask is changed), among others, which is an issue that has been virtually neglected in the cryoEM field until now. In this way, DeepRes can be applied to any map, detecting subtle changes in local quality after applying enhancement processes such as isotropic filters or substantially more complex procedures, such as model-based local sharpening, non-model-based methods or denoising, that may be very difficult to follow using current methods. It performs as a human observer expects. The comparison with traditional local resolution indicators is also addressed.


Comunidad de Madrid

Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España

Horizon 2020


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)


Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,Biochemistry,General Chemistry

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