Crystal structure of Pb3(IO4(OH)2)2


Weil Matthias


The structure of the title compound, trilead(II) bis[dihydroxidotetraoxidoiodate(VII)], was determined from a crystal twinned by non-merohedry with two twin domains present [twin fraction 0.73 (1):0.27 (1)]. It contains three Pb2+cations and two IO4(OH)23−anions in the asymmetric unit. Each of the Pb2+cations is surrounded by eight O atoms (cut-off value = 3.1 Å) in the form of a distorted polyhedron. The octahedral IO4(OH)23−anions are arranged in rows extending parallel to [021], forming a distorted hexagonal rod packing. The cations and anions are linked into a framework structure. Although H-atom positions could not be located, O...O distances suggest medium-strength hydrogen-bonding interactions between the IO4(OH)2octahedra, further consolidating the crystal packing.


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)


Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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