Crystal structure of BaMn2(AsO4)2containing discrete [Mn4O18]28−units


Alcantar Salvador,Ledbetter Hollis R.,Ranmohotti Kulugammana G. S.


In our attempt to search for mixed alkaline-earth and transition metal arsenates, the title compound, barium dimanganese(II) bis(arsenate), has been synthesized by employing a high-temperature RbCl flux. The crystal structure of BaMn2(AsO4)2is made up of MnO6octahedra and AsO4tetrahedra assembled by sharing corners and edges into infinite slabs with composition [Mn2(AsO4)2]2−that extend parallel to theabplane. The barium cations reside between parallel slabs maintaining the interslab connectivity through coordination to eight oxygen anions. The layered anionic framework comprises weakly interacting [Mn4O18]28−tetrameric units. In each tetramer, the manganese(II) cations are in a planar arrangement related by a center of inversion. Within the slabs, the tetrameric units are separated from each other by 6.614 (2) Å (Mn...Mn distances). The title compound has isostructural analogues amongst synthetic SrM2(XO4)2compounds withM= Ni, Co, andX= As, P.


International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)


Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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