Konsep Kebenaran Allah Menurut Rasul Paulus di dalam Surat Roma


Alinurdin DavidORCID


Bagaimana Allah membenarkan orang-orang percaya di dalam proses keselamatan masih menjadi perdebatan di dalam kekristenan. Ada golongan yang berpandangan tindakan pembenaran Allah bersifat forensik dengan mengimputasikan kebenaran Kristus kepada seorang percaya sehingga ia mendapatkan status benar di hadapan Allah. Ada pula yang berpandangan pembenaran Allah itu bersifat moral dan transformatif dengan mengimpartasikan kebenaran Kristus di dalam diri orang percaya. Dan belakangan ini muncul pandangan New Perspective on Paul (NPP) yang merombak konsep pembenaran Allah tidak lagi bersifat forensik maupun etis, melainkan bersifat eklesiologis dengan memasukkan orang percaya di dalam komunitas umat Allah. Tulisan ini mengupas beberapa perikop kunci dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Roma guna memperlihatkan bahwa konsep kebenaran Allah dan karya pembenaran-Nya yang dipahami Paulus bersifat menyeluruh mencakup ketiga aspek tersebut. How God justifies believers in the process of salvation is still under debate within Christianity. There are groups who view God’s justification as forensic by imparting the truth of Christ to a believer so that the believer attains a right status before God. Some view God’s justification as moral and transformative by imparting the truth of Christ in believers. And lately there is a New Perspective on Paul (NPP) that envisions overhauling the concept of God’s justification in that it is neither forensic nor moral, but is ecclesiological by including believers in the community of God’s people. This paper examines some key passages from Paul’s letter to the church in Rome to show that the concept of God’s truth and his justification, as understood by Paul, is comprehensive in that it encompasses all three aspects.


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Reference16 articles.

1. Bird, Michael F. The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2007.

2. Campbell, Douglas A. The Rhetoric of Righteousness in Romans 3:21-26. JSNT Supplement Series. Sheffield: JSOT, 1992.

3. Dunn, James D.G. The Theology of Paul the Apostle. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.

4. Dunn, James D.G. WBC: Romans 1-8. Dallas: Word, 1998. Logos Library System.

5. Fesko, J.V. Justification: Understanding the Classic Reformed Doctrine. Phillipsburg: P&R, 2008.

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