Along with the teaching, publications and research output, national and international funding has become essential criterion for benchmarking and performance measurement of the university. To stand and compete with stakeholders, it is essential to carefully monitor the impact of university publication over global research. The role of the library becomes more important to take a lead in monitoring and management of the university publications. A library needs to gather, organize and maintain publication in a standard format and take appropriate measure to disseminate research with global community. Further, it is essential to assess the research impact of the publication through different methodologies such as bibliometrics or web metrics. The purpose of this paper is to develop a database of university publication with the acronym ‘JPubDB’ (JUIT Publication Database: available at http://juit.ac.in/jpubdb), in order to collect, analyze and organized at one place and market the research publication with global community. The provisions have been made to link each publication with each faculty profile and department in a standard citation style, assess the citation count through Google Scholar, sharing of publication through social networking tools, and if the full text of any publication is available, that can be downloadable in copyright free mode.
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Library and Information Sciences